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Old House Borer

Order: Coleoptera

Scientific Name: Hylotrupes bajulus

Appearance: Blackish/brown cylindrical body with six legs and a pair of antennae

Size: 0.62-1.25 in.


What is an Old House Borer?

Old house borers are wood destroying insects. They feed on wood and have a preference for specifically for pine wood. An infestation can be diagnosed by the presence of small holes with loose dust that falls when disturbed. 

Old house borers will lay eggs in wooden cracks and crevasses. The young will hatch and feed on the wood creating shallow holes. Depending on the climate it can take many years for the young to fully develop into adulthood. 

Why do I have Old House Borers?

Old house borers are often found in home crawl spaces where the humidity presents an environment suitable for reproduction and maturation. They can be found in older homes, however they are more commonly found in new build properties. 

How do I get rid of Old House Borers?

It is important to properly diagnose an old house borer infestation prior to beginning treatment. It is possible to have evidence of the insect by finding boring holes however, if dust does not easily fall from the holes it is likely old house borers are no longer present and the population has died off. Proper moisture control of crawl spaces will help reduce old house borer populations by delaying reproduction and maturation.

In the case of an active old house borer infestation it is recommended to have a pest control specialist treat the population and provide documentation of the treatment if necessary. PinPoint can perform a CL-100 inspection that will locate any old house borer evidence. Click Here for Details on our CL-100 Inspections.


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