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Brown Recluse

Order: Aranea

Scientific Name: Loxosceles reclusa

Appearance: Light brown in color with a dark violin-shaped mark appearing on the back once the spider reaches maturity

Size: 0.37 in.

What is a Brown Recluse?

Brown recluse spiders can be differentiated from other brown spiders by their unique eye patter that forms a semi circle around the front of its head. Most spiders have eight eyes while the brown recluse has six. Female brown recluse spiders are about double the size of males, and they can lay up to 300 eggs in the summer time. 

The Brown recluse is infamously known as a venomous spider. While they do have fangs they are not strong enough to pierce through fabric or clothing. Brown recluse spiders are not aggressive and most bites occur when someone accidentally comes in contact with one while in bed or while dressing. 

Why do I have a Brown Recluse?

Brown recluse spiders prefer quiet, dark, and dry areas which many homes have. Once a brown recluse is settled in its preferred location females will begin to produce eggs that will hatch about 1 month later. Living between 2-4 years Brown Recluse spiders are particularly resilient to outside elements and are able to withstand drought and famine for up to 6 months. 

Crawl spaces, attics, and closets are all common areas a brown recluse may be found in a home. Outside the home you may find a brown recluse hiding in woodpiles, under rocks, or other generally undisturbed dark areas. While they are not prone conflict and typically run when disturbed, it is important to use caution around their preferred areas as they are highly venomous. 

How do I get rid of a Brown Recluse?

Preventative measures can be taken to help prevent brown recluse spiders from entering a home. Ensuring openings to the outside are properly sealed, keeping clutter at bay, and preventatively treating for spiders are all practical ways to keep a brown recluse from entering your home.

Due to their known potential threat to health when bitten, it is best practice to have a professional treat for infestation and prevention of brown recluse spiders. Click Here for Details on our General Pest Control Plan


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