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Order: Hymenoptera

Scientific Name: Vespidae

Appearance: Hairless, segmented black and yellow body with wings and a stinger at the rear

Size: 0.33 – 1 in.


What is a Wasp?

Wasps are a winged stinging insect with distinguished yellow and black stripes. They build paper-like celled homes that they attach to structures like fences, decks, porches, and trees. Wasps live in a colony with a caste system that includes one or more Queens, drones, and worker bees. Wasps are known to become aggressive and may sting when they feel threatened.

Queen wasps will lay their eggs into the cells of their home. Her sole purpose is to lay eggs and she can yield up to 300 eggs per day. Once these eggs hatch the new wasps will become workers that will help feed and protect their colony. Worker wasps are pollinators that collect nectar from flowering plants.

Why do I have Wasps?

Wasps create their nests in locations that provide ample shelter. These areas are typically located outside however they may find their way inside attics as well. It is common to find wasp nests attached to the eves of homes or under porches where they will be sheltered from outside elements. 

Wasps will continue to reproduce as long as the Queen remains alive. Some colonies have more than one Queen and can be rather resilient. The only way to fully resolve a wasp issue is to ensure all Queens in the colony are removed. 

How do I get rid of Wasps?

Since wasps are pollinators it is best to take preventative measures that will keep them away. Wasps are known to dislike certain plant scents such as basil, lemongrass, peppermint, and geranium. An effective means of preventing wasps can include gardening the above plants or using essential oils to ward of wasps. It can also be beneficial to remove their nest encouraging them to create a home elsewhere. 

In cases of large wasp populations contact your local pest control specialists for recommendations on wasp control. Click Here for Details on our General Pest & Outdoor Plan. 


General Pest

Spiders, Ants, Cockroaches, Stinkbugs, and more

Starting at $37/month

Year-round quarterly perimeter pest control to protect your home inside and out.
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General Pest & Termite

Spiders, Ants, Cockroaches, Subterranean Termites, and more

Starting at $60/month

Quarterly perimeter pest control and termite monitoring to protect your home inside and out
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Starting at $72/month

Seasonal monthly mosquito treatment April through October
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General Pest + Outdoor

Ants, Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, Fleas/Ticks, Fire Ants and more

Starting at $110/month

Quarterly perimeter pest and lawn treatment along with seasonal monthly mosquito control April through October
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Fleas, Ticks, Fire ants, and Mosquitoes

Starting at $81.50/month

Year round quarterly lawn treatment for fleas, ticks & fire ants. Monthly mosquito treatment April-October
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General Pest + Outdoor + Termite

Spiders, Ants, Mosquitoes, Termites, Fleas/Ticks, Grubs and more

Starting at $141/month

Quarterly perimeter pest, termite and lawn treatment along with seasonal monthly mosquito control April through October
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