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Order: Rodentia

Scientific Name: Mus musculus

Appearance: Small furry rodent typically brown/grey or white in color with a short nose, prominent ears and a bald tail and feet

Size: 2-4 in.


What is a Mouse?

Mice are small nocturnal rodents that are generally unwelcomed as they can carry disease. Mice are particularly distained because they are known to enter households contaminating food as they forage. Mice are often detected by the droppings they leave behind and can at times be seen scurrying along the floor at night. 

Mice populations can get out of control quickly due to their reproductive nature. Females can yield up to 14 litters per year. Each litter will have anywhere from 1-8 pups and they will reach maturity 6-8 weeks later to continue the reproductive cycle. Mice populations in the wild are controlled by larger predators such as owls, foxes, cats, and other mammals. 

Why do I have Mice?

Normally mice nest outside however, if they find shelter and readily available food sources they will come inside. Mice are not picky eaters and will feed on any food crumbs left on the floor and can even find their way into pantries eating anything they can access.

Mice can also become active when their nest is disturbed. It is not uncommon to experience mouse issues if there is a construction site nearby. Since their nest is being disrupted they are likely searching for shelter elsewhere and homes present warmth, safety, and plentiful food. 

How do I get rid of Mice?

Trapping is a popular way of controlling mice indoors. There are multiple kinds of traps that can be used, both lethal and non-lethal. For outdoor control, animals can be useful tools in controlling mice. Purchasing a cat is a common way to help reduce mouse populations.

In the circumstance of a mouse infestation, your local pest control or wildlife specialists can help gain control of the population and set up preventative measures to avoid future issues. Click Here for Details on our General Pest Control Plan


General Pest

Spiders, Ants, Cockroaches, Stinkbugs, and more

Starting at $37/month

Year-round quarterly perimeter pest control to protect your home inside and out.
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General Pest & Termite

Spiders, Ants, Cockroaches, Subterranean Termites, and more

Starting at $60/month

Quarterly perimeter pest control and termite monitoring to protect your home inside and out
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Starting at $72/month

Seasonal monthly mosquito treatment April through October
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General Pest + Outdoor

Ants, Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, Fleas/Ticks, Fire Ants and more

Starting at $110/month

Quarterly perimeter pest and lawn treatment along with seasonal monthly mosquito control April through October
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Fleas, Ticks, Fire ants, and Mosquitoes

Starting at $81.50/month

Year round quarterly lawn treatment for fleas, ticks & fire ants. Monthly mosquito treatment April-October
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General Pest + Outdoor + Termite

Spiders, Ants, Mosquitoes, Termites, Fleas/Ticks, Grubs and more

Starting at $141/month

Quarterly perimeter pest, termite and lawn treatment along with seasonal monthly mosquito control April through October
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