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Order: Diptera

Scientific Name: Culicidae

Appearance: Black/grey in color with scaled wings, long narrow legs and antennae.

Size: 3 – 6 mm


What is a Mosquito?

Mosquitoes are a biting insect that are most commonly found in moist and humid environments. The Asian tiger mosquito is the most common type found in South Carolina. Native to Asia, this mosquito found its way to North America in cargo shipments. Asian tiger mosquitoes are potential carriers of dog heart-worm disease and other viruses. 

Mosquitoes prefer moist environments with plentiful standing water locations as they lay their eggs in these areas. Female mosquitoes will mate and lay eggs in bird baths, flower pots, gutters, and other locations. These eggs will hatch in about 24 hours and will reach maturity within just a few days. This allows for populations to increase rapidly in peak season. 

Why do I have Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are attracted to humid environments especially areas with standing water. The hot and humid summer conditions of South Carolina present the perfect environment for mosquitoes to thrive. Pools, retention ponds, bird baths, and gutters, are all prime locations mosquitoes will be attracted to. Even if these areas are not directly on your property mosquitoes can fly from neighboring areas as they search to feed.

There are a few specific traits that attract mosquitoes to certain humans. They can be attracted to dark clothing, strong body odors, the scent of alcohol, and have a preference for blood types O and B. If you are being bitten more frequently than others, it could be due to one of the above reasons.

How do I get rid of Mosquitoes?

Limiting standing water locations on and near your property will help reduce the mosquito population around your home. It is recommended to begin mosquito control at the start of their active season, typically in April. This will help reduce the amount of active mosquitoes before they have reproduced in great numbers making control difficult during the peak of summer.

Your local pest control specialists will have tools to help control and reduce mosquito populations. There are multiple effective treatment methods and depending on your property type a professional can determine the best course of action. Click Here for Details on our Mosquito Control Plan. 


General Pest

Spiders, Ants, Cockroaches, Stinkbugs, and more

Starting at $37/month

Year-round quarterly perimeter pest control to protect your home inside and out.
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General Pest & Termite

Spiders, Ants, Cockroaches, Subterranean Termites, and more

Starting at $60/month

Quarterly perimeter pest control and termite monitoring to protect your home inside and out
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Starting at $72/month

Seasonal monthly mosquito treatment April through October
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General Pest + Outdoor

Ants, Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, Fleas/Ticks, Fire Ants and more

Starting at $110/month

Quarterly perimeter pest and lawn treatment along with seasonal monthly mosquito control April through October
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Fleas, Ticks, Fire ants, and Mosquitoes

Starting at $81.50/month

Year round quarterly lawn treatment for fleas, ticks & fire ants. Monthly mosquito treatment April-October
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General Pest + Outdoor + Termite

Spiders, Ants, Mosquitoes, Termites, Fleas/Ticks, Grubs and more

Starting at $141/month

Quarterly perimeter pest, termite and lawn treatment along with seasonal monthly mosquito control April through October
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All of our services come with a guarantee. Need help between visits? Call our service team and we’ll schedule one free re-treatment in between regular scheduled visits.